Ryan Health
Visual Rebrand
After 50 years of providing no-cost and low-cost healthcare to residents of New York, the William F. Ryan Health Network stepped back to take a critical look at their brand. They surveyed patients and key stakeholders and set out on a multi-phase rebranding effort to create a consistent identity that would represent the network for the next 50 years and beyond.
Crafting a new visual identity began with a competitive audit of other healthcare providers. Those findings were then used to identify trends in the market and inform potential directions for the brand’s new look. After receiving the green light from the client on an initial direction, logo options were crafted, refined, and further developed until a final mark was approved.
Designs for matching business cards, brochures and letterheads were developed next, and then compiled into a set of usage guidelines to inform how each element of the new identity should be used moving forward.
Preliminary Concepts: